牛津小学英语4A Unit4教学案例优秀3篇


牛津小学英语4A Unit4教学案例 篇一

教学内容:牛津小学英语4a unit4<i like…>第一课时




3.能听说读写句型:do you like…?以及回答yes,i do./no, i don’t..







2.板书准备:课题<unit4 i like…>


step1: warming up


b.sing an english song< perhaps>

c.free talk: what’s this in english?

may i have this…?

step2: presentation

1.(课件,出示汽车图片)t: look at the picture,what's this in english?


2.(课件出示复数图片及句型)t: do you like cars? 引导学生回答:yes,i do./no, i don’t..


3.(出示公交车图片)t:is this a bus? s: no , it isn’t..it’s a bus.(教授bus)

t: do you like buses?(重点教授buses的发音)

4. (课件,出示部分图片)t: guess, what’s this? s: it’s a bike.


5.s: do you like bikes?

t:no, i don’t. i like puzzles.

(出示图片) look,what’s this in english?

let’s listen to the tape.(教授puzzle)

6.t: let’s do a puzzle.( 课件做拼图,洋娃娃)


7.t: (课件)what’s in the doll’s hand?

s: it’s a …

t: a balloon.(教授balloon)

8. t:(课件)look, the balloon has flew away. guess, where is it?

s: perhaps it’s in the…

t: perhaps it’s in the sky.(课件)look, is that a balloon?

s: no , it isn’t..it’s a …

t: yes , you are so clever. it’s a kite.(教授kite)

9.t: next,let’s have a rest. let’s go to see a puppet show.

look at this picture. do you know what’s this in english?

s: it’s a …

t:it’s a puppet.(教授puppet)

(在新授单词和句型这一环节中,我精心设计了每一个单词的呈现方法,环环相扣,运用多种方法操练单词,如小组读,男女生读, 开火车读,高低声读等,并且在每教授一个单词的过程中操练句型,做到词不离句)

step3 consolidation

1.game: a. what’s missing?

b. do a puzzle


2.t: do you like dolls?

s: yes, i do.

t: ok, we can buy a doll in a supermarket.

shall we go to the supermarket?

s: ok, let’s *辣妈美 www.lamamei.com*go.

t: (出示实物)in the supermarket,there are a lot of thing. some toys, some fruits, some pencils and so on.


a: hello…!

b: hello…!

a: let’s go to the supermarket.

b: ok!

a: do you like…?

b: yes, i do./no, i don’t.

a: this …is for you.

b: thank you.

a: not at all.

4.work in pairs and act the dialogue


step 4 homework

1.copy the new words .

2.ask your father and mother what do they like.

3.preview part a .


这节课我能以学生为主体,以培养学生的兴趣为情感目标,体现了语言的实用性和交际性,学生能基本掌握单词的发音,和句型的理解,教学难点也有所突破,学生能掌握like 后加名词的复数,但是由于单词教学花了过多的时间,最后的对话巩固显得有些匆忙。

牛津小学英语4A Unit4教学案例 篇二



自从接到了参加江苏省信息技术资源英语录像课评比的通知,我就开始着手设计本课。本课的主题是a camping trip,教学对象为五年级学生。本节课的教学内容既涉及学生在三、四、五年级学过的有关物品的单词,又涉及了表示“有”的说法。根据学习内容和学生情况,采用了以旧带新引入新知识的教学策略,并以新旧知识的整合作为本课的落脚点,以帮助学生在学习过程中不断扩展和丰富语言知识,组增强学生的交际能力。


1)能正确地听、说、读、写词汇tent, pot, hill, a tin of, children, show。

2)能正确地听、说、读词汇tin-opener, match, blanket, telescope, fish, camping trip (site)。

3)能理解掌握句型 what do you/ they have ? i/ we/ they have …

what does he/ she have ? he/ she has …





3)能初步理解掌握句型what do you/ they have ? what does he/ she have? 及其答语。




i. greeting

1. greeting

t: good morning, boys and girls. nice to see you again.who’s on duty today?

s1: i am. my name’s … . i’m a girl. i like reading and dancing. today is … . we have chinese, maths, english and pe in the morning. we have art and science in the afternoon. that’s all.

2. free talk.

t: ok, boys and girls, let’s play a game, ok?

老师做出一个动作,如run, t: what am i doing? guess.

s: you’re running.


(jumping, walking, sleeping, dancing, swimming, sitting, standing,speaking)

3. t: now, let’s sing a song,ok?

sing a song ---what are you doing? 5’

(设计思路)在教学中,要做到以学生为主体,通过free talk,可以使大部分学生得到发言的机会,另外,学生们在回答自己提问的同时,配合动作,又极大地提高了学习本课内容的兴趣。同时,行为动词的引入,也为进一步的学习埋下了伏笔。

ii. presentation

1. t: please look at the slide. (图)it is spring now. what’s the meaning of

‘spring’? ----春天

t: spring is coming. the trees turn green and the flowers start to grow. do you want to go on and outing? ss: yes, we do.

---- go camping let’s go camping! 让我们去野营吧!(图)

---- a camping trip a camping site

they’re having a camping trip. they’re at a camping site. 2’

2. t: when we go camping, what do we need?

1)ss answer the question.

s: we need … .

( a tent, a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a owel, some tins, a tin of fish(四会), a tin of chicken, some fruit, some chocolates, a box of chocolates, some water, some eggs, some biscuits and so on.)(图)

look at the slide.

2) read the words of part b after the tape.

(设计思路)通过对野营所需物品的谈论,可以很自然的引出本课的生词,并且在轻松、和谐的课堂氛围中,可以更好、更快的掌握本课的三会及四会单词,并会带入句型中加以运用。通过we need….这个熟悉的句型,可以很轻松的引出本课have、has的用法。 5’

3. 1) t: we have so many things. we can go camping now,what do you have? ( to s1)

s1: (出示实物) i have …. ( to s2…..s6)

practise ‘i have … .’

2) t: what does he/she have? ss: he/she has …(指着刚才出示实物的学生说)


4. have 与has 的用法

都表示拥有,但have 用于第一、二人称以及第三人称的复数,而has用于第三人称单数。(生总结,并看幻灯)

(设计思路)这样的练习即符合小学生好奇心强、对未知事物充满兴趣的心理特点,又可以在课堂教学中可以充分调动学生参与和体验的热情。此环节立足整体把握教材的知识体系,在导入新知识时先分析新旧知识的联系,再以旧带新,做到语言知识的融会贯通,不断丰富学生的语言积累。 5’

5. let’s chant.

what do you have? i have a tent.

what do i have? you have a tin.

what do you have? we have a pot.

what do they have? they have some fruit.

what does he have? he has a chair.

what does she have? she has a stove.

go, go, lets go. let’s go camping!

比较do 与does 的用法

do和does都是助动词,用帮助行为动词构成句子。do用于一、二人称以及第三人称的复数, does用于第三人称单数。 3’


6. t: boys and girls, i think you must be tired. let’s learn a song, ok?

---- what do you have?

7. t: boys and girls, do you like going camping? ss: yes, we do.

t: miss li and her students are having a camping trip. listen to the tape, and try to answer my questions.

questions: 1) where are the children?

they are at a camping site. it’s near a hill.

---- 4-skill words children hill

learn to say: site, a camping site

2) what are they doing?

they are showing their things to each other.

---- 4-skill words show learn to say: each other

3) what does liu tao have? he has a big tent.

what does david have? he has a chair.

what does nancy have? she has a chair, too.

what does helen have? she has a tin of chicken and a tin of fish.

what does yang ling have? she has a tin-opener.

what does mike have? he has a pot and a stove.

what do su hai and su yang have?

they have two blankets and a telescope.

what does miss li have? she has a box of chocolates.

what does mr green have? he has some fruit.7

(设计思路)在part a 的学习中,我先设计了几个题目。通过课件的展示,让学生边听边思考提出的几个问题。问题涉及到wh-的几个类型。问题的设计应注意层次性、注意启发性、注意广泛性、注意灵活性。 对学生课堂提问的回答给予积极评价。

iii. practice

.1. listen to the tape again, and try to fill in the blankets.

1)now the children and their teachers are the hill. they’re a camping site. they’re their things to each other. liu tao has a big . davida chair. nancy has a chair, too. helen has a tin ofand a tin of . yang ling has a , mike has a and a stove. su hai and su yang have two blankets and a . miss li and mr green have a box of chocolates and some fruit. they’re very happy!

(设计思路)此项练习可以使学生更好的理解part a 的内容,通过对课文的阅读与理解,提高他们的听、说、读写等综合运用语言的能力。

2) read the paragraph together. 3’

iv. consolidation

1. read part a. 2’

2. t: who can make a dialogue with the following drills?

a: the camping trip is coming.what do you have?

b: i have … .

a: i have … . how about … and …? what do they have?

c: i have … .

d: i have … .

abcd: great!/ how nice!/ good! let’s go camping! 7’

v. homework

1. listen to the tape and copy the new words .

2.make a dialogue about the camping trip with your classmates. 1’


















牛津小学英语4A Unit4教学案例 篇三

教学内容 unit 9 what’s the matter? 第一课时 b和c部分


能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词hot ,cold ,ill ,tired ,hungry ,thirsty .

听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子what’s the matter? i’m …




1.听得懂、会说、会读,会拼写单词hot、cold、ill、tired、hungry、thirsty .

2.得懂、会说、会读和会写句子what’s the matter ?i’m…




1.能听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词hot、cold、ill、tired、hungry、thirsty .

2. 听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子what’s the matter ?i’m…

3 .能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。





a: revision

(1)sing the song “we are happy bees”


t: good morning, boys and girls .

ss: good morning, mr li.

t: sit down, please.

t: now, let’s play a game. “simon says”

t:stand up!/sit down!/sit down!/stand up! (教师辅以手势,渐渐加快)


b: presentation and practice

1.teaching “what’s the matter? i’ m tired”

t: what’s the matter? what’s the matter?

(教师做无力状,并轻声说:“i’ m tired.”)反复几遍,让学生了解其意。

出示卡片what’s the matter?

t:read it one by one.

s1: what’s the matter? t: i’m tired.

s2: what’s the matter? t: i’m tired.



read the words “tired , ill” one by one 注意 “tired”发音。

practice in each pairs.

act it out .

2. t: what’s the matter?

(拿出一把扇子,做出很热的样子,边出示卡片 “hot”。) i’m hot.

t: read it one by one.


s1: what’s the matter?

t: i’m hot.

t: what’s the matter?

s1: i’m hot.

t: here’s a fan for you.

s1: thank you.

t: make the dialogue like this.

4.teaching the word “cold”



s1: what’s the matter ,mr li?

t: i’m hot.

s1: here’s a fan for you.

t: thank you.


t: i’m not hot, now. i’m cold.(read after the teacher, spell it together)

t: what’s the matter?

s1: i’m cold.

t: here’s a jacket for you.

s1: thank you.

practice in each groups.

5. teaching “hungry/thirsty”

(1)出示食物, 老师闻了闻,手摸肚子,装出饿的样子:i’m hungry.

read and spell it.

t: what’s the matter?

ss:i’m hungry.

t:here’s a cake for you.

ss:thank you.


(2)老师继续手摸肚子,表现出很饱的样子:i’m not hungry.

i’m thirsty.(做出口渴的模样)

read and spell it.

t: what’s the matter?

ss: i’m thirsty.

t: here’s a glass of water/milk for you.

ss: thank you.




play a game “magic eyes”


c. consolidation

1.say a rhyme (教师做动作,让学生根据动作自问自答):

a: what’s the matter?

b: i’m tired/ill/hot/cold/hungry/thirsty

2.work in pairs

s1: what’s the matter?

s2:i’m hot/cold/hungry/thirsty.

s1:here’s a fan /jacket/cake/glass of water/milk…… for you.

s2:thank you.

3.do part c

d. homework

1. copy the new words four times.

2. listen to the tape

3. 预习课文


unit 9 what’s the matter?

what’s the matter?

i’m tired/ill.

what’s the matter?

i’m hot/cold/hungry/thirsty.

here’s a fan/jacket/hamburger for you.

here’s a glass of water for you.




1. 歌曲激趣,营造氛围

英语歌曲是提高学生英语学习兴趣和学习效率的有效方法之一。"we are happy


2. 联系实物


3. 趣味游戏,巩固掌握

寓学于乐,让学生轻松、快乐、高效地学习,是我们的追求。游戏,是我们的好帮手之一。因此,我在本课设计了simon says 和magic


4. 反复操练




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